Here is the second part to my color theory poster. I need to pass it around for input, and then I will release both posters as PDF files, free for educational use.
A loyal Bit.Trip fan ordered some prints of my fan art. Here's the hand drawn thank you card I sent along with them. I don't sell prints often but feel free to inquire.
I have a great client that has brought be lots of fun little jobs from Stanford University. So far I have created animations, titles and credits for 3 different video's and an animated logo for an iPad app. I always like the work I create when the client puts their trust in me. Some clients can have a way of nitpicking and micromanaging a project to death. It's refreshing to have clients that look to the designer for expertise.
I created a second version of my color theory poster. As I delved deeper into the subject I realized there is enough information to create 2 posters. So this is Part A, part B will delve into color blending and cultural/emotional relations, with some different palette's as well.